Sunday, March 13, 2011

Be Peaceful

Take deep breaths. Calm yourself and your thoughts. Act, don't react. Don't put your energy into negativity. If you don't like someone that is okay, but don't spend your energy on hating them. Wish them well and move on with your life. Don't get caught up "tornado style" in life--where it feels like you're spinning in circles and can't slow down. When you feel your mind racing, quiet it and think about the moment you are in and all of the blessings in your life. Know that the things making you spin will pass and that you will handle every situation as it comes. There is no sense in over-worrying! The situation becomes "double sucky" if you have to get through it and worry about it. All the time people spend pitching a fit could be spent either making a plan or (and equally as important) ENJOYING LIFE!

Main  Message: Breathe, let things go, don't carry anger with you. You become heavy when you carry anger--throw it away and fee light and free.

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